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Achimenes: Beauty of Herbaceous Flowers for Your Garden
Achimenes (Latin: Achiménes) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae. These perennial herbaceous plants with beautiful blooms have a period of winter dormancy. They are widespread in South and Central America - from Mexico through Central America to Ecuador and Colombia, as well as on some islands in the Caribbean Sea. The center of species diversity is Central and South Mexico. The plants are found in tropical forests with alternating dry and wet seasons. Achimenes belong to the subfamily Gloxiniinae of the tribe Gesnerieae.
Achimenes is known for its unparalleled blooming and undeniable beauty. Its small flowers, often arranged on tall stems, can vary in color and shape. From delicate shades of pink to bright and intense colors - everyone will find something to their liking in the world of Achimenes flowers.
Solodara helps you find the best plants for your garden, including Achimenes. On our marketplace, you will find free listings for the sale, purchase, and rental of plants. Thanks to the free classifieds board, you can easily post your own ads or find the necessary goods for your garden.
Our assortment includes various varieties of Achimenes that you can buy or exchange with other gardeners. You can also find additional products for caring for these wonderful plants to keep your garden looking its best.
Purchase Achimenes at Solodara - your reliable partner in gardening and landscaping. Our marketplace offers you a wide selection of plants and everything you need to create a beautiful garden."