ID 140855
Тельфер, Автокран, Трактор, Станок токарный (1м63, 1к62, 16к20, МК6056,16д20, Poreba TUD 40, TOZ SV 18R и тд.) ; Шлифовальный (3г71м, 3е340, 3е634, пшс 3000 и пшс 4000 и др.); Фрезерный ( Чепель УФ 222 , 6Р81Г, ПФС 4000, 6р12 и тд.); Сверлильный (2
Карина Трегуб
Україна, Дніпропетровська reg, Дніпро
60000 uah
ID 140397
Мостовой кран
Яна Євтушенко
Україна, Київська reg, Тарасівка
200000 uah
ID 140311
Комплекс обладнання для виготовлення прямих підвісів універсальних.
Україна, Івано-Франківська reg, Івано-Франківськ
“Metalworking machines”
Goods available for sale are placed in this category: Metalworking machines from the manufacturer, which allows the buyer to buy goods at the best prices with the use of various promotions and discounts.
Goods: Metalworking machines for direct use are sold with a manufacturer warranty.
Advertisements on the website Solodara about the sale, purchase, lease of goods: Metalworking machines are placed with the best prices by agreement.
High quality from the manufacturer of the goods: Metalworking machines is confirmed by certificates of quality and conformity.
You can see and buy advertisements on sale of goods: Metalworking machines on the marketplace England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, United States of America, Australia, Canada, Republic of Singapore.