ID 141706
Для каучсерферов Киев
Україна, Київська reg, Київ
ID 141694
Сдам комнату
Наталия Рубуль
Україна, Київська reg, Київ
3000 uah
ID 141571
Здам кiмнату. Довгостроково.
Україна, Одеська reg, Одеса
2000 uah
ID 141529
Частный сектор , все удобства для жизни есть!!
Серёга Цуркан
Україна, Одеська reg, Чорноморськ
3000 uah
ID 141478
Сдается в аренду одна комн
Ирина Война
Україна, Полтавська reg, Миргород
4000 uah
ID 141438
Продается полквартиры Киев Днепровский раен Без комиссии
Виктория В
Україна, Київська reg, Київ
11900 $
ID 141342
Здається квартира з хозяйкою м Трускавець
Ліля Прокопів
Україна, Львівська reg, Трускавець
200 uah
ID 141261
Довгостроково оренда
Україна, Полтавська reg, Полтава
2500 uah
ID 141147
zdam komnaty na doby u Lvovi
Valerij Kuliev
Україна, Львівська reg, Львів
800 uah
ID 141054
Тетяна Мосієвич
Україна, Рівненська reg, Рівне
ID 141026
Богдан Вінницький
Україна, Вінницька reg, Вінниця
4000 uah
ID 141008
Продам комнату
Татьяна Ігнатьєва
Україна, Запорізька reg, Токмак
ID 141001
Готель в Карпатах.
Всеволод Дубчак
Україна, Львівська reg, Гірне
ID 140994
Сдам отдельную комнату в квартире 1 человек
Альбина Шулявская
Україна, Київська reg, Київ
2900 uah
ID 140976
Зніму квартиру
Таїсія Бесараб
Україна, Львівська reg, Львів
ID 140912
Оренда кімнати
Ганна Маїк
Україна, Львівська reg, Львів
2500 uah
ID 140888
Саша Чумак
Україна, Київська reg, Київ
3500 uah
ID 140881
Олег Лудченко
Україна, Черкаська reg, Умань
100 uah
ID 140824
Сдам комнату в комуне
Алена Комарницкая
Україна, Одеська reg, Одеса
3000 uah
ID 140792
Здається кімната з пристройкою
Таня Кирилюк
Україна, Вінницька reg, Вінниця
3000 uah
ID 140755
Сдам 1 комнату в своей 3-х комн.кв. молодому человеку рядом с метро Алексеевская
Лариса Владимировна
Україна, Харківська reg, Харків
3000 uah
ID 140448
Здаю 2 кімнати
Максим Сенив
Україна, Львівська reg, Львів
Ads in the category
A room is a part of an apartment or house that has its own design, interior, engineering systems, heating, furniture, and other things necessary for a person's separate living. Walls and partitions separate the room from the common part of the house, creating comfort and privacy, and divide it into residential, functional, utility, or entrance zones. There are advertisements for renting or selling rooms of various shapes and styles on the Solodara website.
The residential area of rooms is divided into the day and night zones. The living room, dining room, office, children's room, and dressing room are mainly included in the day zone. The bedroom is included in the night zone. Rooms such as a bathroom, kitchen, boiler room, laundry room, pantry, workshop, garage, and sauna are considered utility rooms. The entrance group includes a hallway, corridor, and terrace.
The living room is intended for receiving guests in the house, the bedroom is intended for sleeping, the kitchen is for cooking, and the dining room is for eating.
When searching for room advertisements on the online marketplace, the most popular ones are bedrooms that serve as both living rooms, offices, and dining rooms in small apartments. Such rooms are very profitable when rented out to young people or students because of the cheaper rent compared to apartments or houses.
Owners or realtors must take into account and indicate all the main characteristics of the rooms when posting advertisements, such as the presence of repairs, heating, smoking policies, the building's infrastructure, the number of beds, and whether living with the owners or without them. All of these factors affect the rental price.
The filters located on the free classifieds board allow you to quickly find listings for the desired room for comfortable living, with electronics, appliances, and internet. You can also filter by type of rental, such as hourly, daily, or monthly.
Listings for apartment rentals come in a variety of forms, posted both directly by owners and by real estate agents who charge a corresponding commission fee. The rental price depends directly on the size of the room and its heating, the infrastructure of the building, room renovations, and built-in electronics. For demanding clients, the ceiling height also plays a significant role in choosing a room.
The cheapest rooms are simple rooms with cosmetic repairs or without repairs at all, in panel houses. The middle category includes rooms with European-style renovation, average area, while the most expensive rooms can be found in designer-renovated listings on, with large areas in comfortable city areas.
In large buildings, a type of room called a study is often encountered. Studies are designed for conducting leisure activities in a business style, primarily for studying documents, conducting business affairs, and correspondence. Such rooms are primarily associated with business people. Studies are furnished with a library, art galleries, wooden ceilings, and furniture.
One of the most expensive rooms in a house is the bathroom. The cost of Italian designer plumbing on the market can reach very high prices, which not everyone can afford. The installation and all connections of such plumbing are also taken into account. Marble, granite, ceramics combined with chrome faucets create a unique look for the bathroom.
Announcements for renting a bedroom in a house with an exquisite bathroom can be found on the website, where you can directly contact the owner of the posted announcement.
A room with a real fireplace is primarily a source of heating for the house, luxurious comfort, and romantic coziness. Houses with such a room are unique, distinguished by the style of room layout with spacious and large windows and high ceilings. If you are looking for an announcement where a house with a fireplace is posted for a romantic encounter, then you have come to the right place!